Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jet Lag and more..

This is a first for me I must say.. I woke up at 7 AM on a SUNDAY MORNING. If Amma knows she's going to faint!! All these years of trying to wake up Ne early.

I havent had the time to blog the last couple of days.Inspite of having two months to 'prepare' to leave, I couldnt escape the last minute stuff. One cannot pack a month in adavnce even if she wants to right??? My room looked like it was hit by a tornado. clothes, shoes and accessories all over the place. Being a girl, clothes are just one part of it. We have so much of other stuff. It pained me to leave behind so many things. Although I managed to squeeze in ALL of my new shopping and memorablia. 23 kgs * 2 is nothing. NOTHING I tell u. Those stupid suitcases take up 5 kgs EACH by themselves. Needless to say all my luggage was over-weight. Including my backpck. The said backpack was around 11 kgs. It was HUGE. I was the only one on the flight with such a big bag..on my back. Let alone people leaving way for me, they had to leave way for Mr.Heavy too. Now I know how the turtle felt. Carrying its house on the back and that kind of thing. My back went for a sixer. I was aching and paining the whole time. To make it worse, I was going from chennai-doha-washington DC. Which meant my flight left at 4 AM, reached doha at 7 AM THEIR time. And landed at D.C 7 30 THEIR time.
Essentially I was travelling in sunlight all through. I thought I prided myself on my ability to sleep through thick and thin. I survived 4 years of sleeping from home to SRM in the college bus. I swear I was jinxed. Everyone put 'kannu' on me all through. Ne can sleep anywhere. She can sleep standing was Amma's fav statement. sigh. I dint get a wink of sleep. I read, ate, watched Game Plan, an Italian and a french movie with subtitles. Also 'Friends' and 'Joey'. For the nth time.

I kept thinking about my family and friends. When am I going to see them again? A year later? Im missing out on getting to know my brother on a more grown up level. He'll be 16 now. The previous day, my house was literally bursting at its seams. Every one was at home. I felt so loved when they came to see me off. Im going to miss this. Mindless chatter and coffee, Talking to nana, cooking at home, making stuff my brother likes. Although now, i'm closer to A and to schmetterling. It was a weird feeling. Like as if I was outside Ne's body and looking at her getting ready. Saying bye. Hugs and kisses. Amma forbade tears. This is a happy occasion,higher studies. No crying.

Listening to everyone's first experiences in America, I must say mine has been awesome. Nana's friends came to receive me at the airport, and brought me to their place. A very smooth transition. This is just like home. I dint have to battle the cold,snow and lug 3 over weight cases with me. I am being taken care of so well. It feels wonderful to know such good people. At times like this, one realises the strength and importance of good relationships. Be it family or otherwise. This is something that will be understood as time goes by.

As nik said, The little baby has to eventually fly away from its nest, or run or walk away even if its too late and grows into an ostrich.


Bg said...
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Bg said...

Most of the students face the typical first time trauma -wrt luggage,money,accomodation,friends etc. A few of us r lucky though..i came with mom & dad!!!

Avantika said...

Nice that you made a happy transition!
The good thing about life here is you get to really pursue every crazy thing you wanted to do :)
But yeah you're right theres this one special place where you get all this affection and care called home :)

Pensativo said...

yeah life has too much to give..experience as much as we can in this short span of time..nice blog you have got :)

Prasad said...

LOL...yea the bus journey to SRM takes for ever!!! we even named some of the trees!!! the train's were tho itz changed fomr the smaller meter gauge!!

nice blog u got here

dinesh said...

Another beautiful post!I'm a fan of
ur blog..keep d good thing going:)

Ne said...

i never realised i had so many readers. :-) i liiike!!

@gayatri - its a huge bonus to have th parental unit with u..i totally understand.

@avan - im going to visit u soon!! :-P

@pensativo - yeah, im looking forward to a new life and new experience..

@prasad - hee hee. most of my time was spent sleeping in the college bus. are u a student at SRM right now? or have u finished?

@dinesh - read on i say. will post again when i get my new comp. :-D

Prasad said...

i was a student of the first batch of valliammai!!! aaaahhh coll was so much fun!! well as all gud things comes to an end so did coll!

Schmetterling said...

all that matters is that you're here now, and probably sleeping your ass off, while 8:22AM seems to be a normal enough time for me to be up and about, eating breakfast at that :) Lou.