Tuesday, May 13, 2008

kinda blah but not quite there

Its been a while since I've blogged and with a good reason. Falling sick during the final week Isn't the best thing let me tell you. The health center at school seems to know me quite well. Especially since they couldn't find my veins for their dumb IV. So anyway, I'm done with those presentations and have the test coming up on Friday, a fact that doesn't quite thrill me considering that I would have finished it on Saturday if it wasn't for me being sick. Now all I'm looking forward to is the summer at CA. Will keep you posted on that. And so my state of semi-blahness continues till then!


Bg said...

take care... falling sick when ur alone is very painful.. hope all is well.

dinesh said...
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dinesh said...

i can relate 2 u ,cos i had a wretched habit of falling sick during exams..it sucks,but at least u got 2 postpone ur exam!..all the best!

Ne said...

@gayathri - im fine now, thanks. and yes, if it wasn't for my friends I dont know what I would have done. I was plied with rasam sadam and juice! :)

@dinesh - yeah, but if I had taken it, I would be done by now. :) but Its not a big deal so i guess its ok.

i think therefore i am said...

awww tat is sad.. wondering what happened..figured finals week.. have a nice time in cali..work? play?

Ne said...

@I think - not work. :D been shopping and wine tasting. looking forward to a lot more. and you guys can look forward to a long post in a few days!! :D

Rainman said...

One more tag! I know you're not gonna like it! ;-) How's Cali, btw?