Friday, August 1, 2008


Sometimes I don't want to talk.
Sometimes I don't want to listen to your incessant talk.
Sometimes I don't want to have meaningless conversation.
Sometimes I don't want to to talk about other people and their lives.
Sometimes I don't want to be a part of anything.
Sometimes I don't want to think.
Sometimes I don't want to laugh or smile or be nice. or answer stupid questions.
Sometimes I don't want to pretend everything is alright.
Sometimes I don't want to just have to do what they tell me to.
Sometimes I don't want to be there.
Sometimes I do want to be left alone. Sometimes I don't.
Sometimes I want to be a part of everything. Sometimes I don't.
Sometimes I just want to lie there and wait. for what? I don't really know.
Sometimes I want to just be. Sometimes I am..jaded.

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